AMR Law, LLC is pleased to announce that Allison M. Roberts, Esq. has joined the Board of Trustees of Prevention Resources effective January 25, 2022.
Prevention Resources, Inc. (PR) promotes Health and Wellness for individuals, families, and communities through Education, Collaboration, Advocacy, and Treatment. PR is committed to integrating and aligning services for members of our community in need. "As a member of the Hunterdon County Drug-Free Task Force for the past two years, I have seen the commitment of Prevention Resources and its knowledgeable staff in Hunterdon County. Many of our families in crisis need support in several areas: substance abuse treatment and service, access to safe housing and education, healthy food, and mental health support. When one area falters, often the others will suffer as well. The continuum of services is essential to healthy and thriving communities. I am honored and proud to assist in these efforts with this great group of dedicated and thoughtful professionals and community members," said Allison Roberts.
If you or someone you know is in need of help, please reach out. You can start at Prevention Resources, Inc. or call 908-782-3909.